How To Prepare For Power Blackout In Kenya

Power blackout

Power blackout is frequent in Kenya and many other developing countries across the world. If you want proof, visit KPLC’s social media pages.  

Every day, there is a list of locations that will be without electricity due to planned maintenance. In the comments section, you will see customers complaining of blackouts even though their respective areas were not scheduled for repairs.

Such power problems are an indication that you should always be prepared for power outages.  

Why You Need to Prepare For Power Blackout

For homeowners and those that have rented, lack of electricity can be frustrating and costly. Stored food in the refrigerator can get spoilt, there will be no power to heat or cool spaces, and you might end up missing your favorite shows.

Lack of power can be costly for business owners. For example, those running barbershops cannot operate while those dealing with perishables such as supermarkets can incur huge losses. 

Power outages can also be costly for industries. Since they will not be able to meet daily production targets, the companies end up losing millions.

How Can You Prepare for Power Blackout?

The best way to prepare for outages is to come up with an alternative source of power. This will ensure that daily activities that rely on electricity are not interrupted. You can choose between a solar power system, a power generator, or home wind turbines as an alternative source of energy.

1. Solar Power System

A solar system can provide enough electricity for your house or business during a blackout. The advantage of this source is that it relies on energy from the sun, which is available for free, cannot be depleted, and is eco-friendly.

You only need to come up with a well-designed solar power system. Such a system will generate and store enough energy to be used during a power outage. You can even decide to utilize the generated energy even when there is no blackout to cut on energy bills.

It is worth noting that the initial cost of setting up a well-designed solar system can be high. However, the system has low maintenance costs, making it a suitable alternative source of electricity.

2. Power Generators

Power generators can provide you with enough electricity during a blackout. A generator is a machine that converts fuels such gasoline into usable electrical energy. The advantage of this source is that generators come in different sizes, power ratings, and prices. You can, therefore, choose the most affordable one for your home or business.

There are portable and standby generators. The portable ones are usually cheap and easy to operate. This makes them ideal for persons living or running a business in a rented building.

Standby generators are perfect for homeowners who have the right to install a machine in their residence. They are also suitable for large businesses and institutions that need electricity throughout.

Generators have some disadvantages. Most of them produce noise and harm the environment by releasing toxic gases. 

3. Home Wind Turbines

You can use wind turbines to generate electricity four use during blackouts. This source of renewable energy is suitable for properties located in areas with strong winds.

Similar to power generators, home wind turbines come in different sizes, power ratings, and vary in price. These qualities allow you to pick the most suitable one for your home. Similar to solar energy, you can utilize the energy generated by the turbines even if there is no power outage, to cut on electricity bills.  

The Takeaway

If you live in Kenya, frequent power blackouts are an indication that you need an alternative source of electricity for your home or business. Depending on your energy needs, you can opt for a solar power system, power generators, or home wind turbines. Either of the three will supply you with enough electricity during an outage.  

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